Why doesn’t the engine switch off during EcoRoll?
Necessary prerequisites for being able to switch off the engine with EcoRoll. Avoid engine wear and ensure operational safety.
Necessary prerequisites for being able to switch off the engine with EcoRoll. Avoid engine wear and ensure operational safety.
How Pulse and Glide works, when it saves, why it saves fuel, and what factors affect it. How load point increase saves fuel.
Explanation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of EcoRoll mode in trucks. Topography | Vehicle Design | Operating Conditions.
How EcoRoll mode for trucks works, why it saves fuel, when it doesn’t save fuel, and what driving style leads to optimal results.
There are two correct and one problematic approach to calculating average fuel consumption. The scatter calculation provides an understanding of the precision of the data.
How to calculate and assess the distribution of fuel consumption values and increase the accuracy of the average values.
Here you can find out interesting background information on the normal distribution and why it helps you to assess fuel consumption.
A simple explanation of why the fuel consumption varies, how the variation is made up and what the reasons for the variation are.
Lerne die Fehler beim Kraftstoffvolumen, bei der Wegstreckenmessung und der Verbrauchsanzeige im Display kennen und verbessere die Genauigkeit der Berechnung.
Learn how to find out the real fuel consumption and to consider influence factors and measurement errors.